OBSH (4,4'-氧代双苯磺酰肼)是一款环保型万能发泡剂,适用范围广泛,对生产的产品具有精细、均匀泡孔结构的作用,该产品无臭、无味、无污染。是一款环保型万能发泡剂,适用于各类发泡产品,多数用于三元乙丙橡胶,硫磺硫化体系。适用于EPDM, CR, PVC, EVA (EPDM-weather strips, CR-Diving suits, PVC-Wallcoverings) OBSH (4,4'-oxydibenzenesulfonohydrazide) is a white fine powder that decompose at low temperature around 160℃. OBSH has an excellent storage stability as AC foaming agent under normal conditions. OBSH is surface-coated so that it has excellent dispersibility. Widely applied with EPDM, CR, PVC, EVA (EPDM-weather strips, CR-Diving suits, PVC-Wallcoverings) |